All articles by David Davies – Page 2
Industry Trends
CapEx vs OpEx: Technology Investment Bounces Back
Broadcasters and service providers seem keen to invest in new technology once again, although the Arena TV scandal means that the banking sector is seeking tougher safeguards around lending than before, writes David Davies.
Industry Trends
Virtual Product Placement: A Sense of Place
The reason virtual product placement (VPP) is generating plenty of industry excitement is the fact that it offers the potential to monetise both new and archive content. However, VPP also brings with it a number of challenges, writes David Davies.
Industry Trends
Virtual Production: A business case for better data use
The sharp ascendancy of virtual production has been a defining industry success story, but with issues around recruitment and the increasing pressure on efficient data management, there are many future challenges, writes David Davies.
Industry Trends
Broadcast access services take a step forward with live British Sign Language (BSL) translation
Recent advances in captioning and autocue technologies, spearheaded by companies including Red Bee Media, are allowing profoundly deaf translators to work on live news and sports content, reports David Davies.
Industry Trends
Hybrid cloud operational models: Focus on service quality grows as ‘cloud fears’ lessen
While some media organisations are moving completely to the cloud, it appears that a judicious hybrid of on-premise and cloud-based infrastructure will be the preferred route for many broadcasters for some time to come, writes David Davies.
Industry Trends
Cloud distribution: “Standard and specific” broadcast workflows starting to emerge
While the migration to cloud-based production has tended to the dominate the headlines, the admittedly slower and more nuanced emergence of cloud distribution should not be undervalued, writes David Davies.
Industry Trends
Supply Chain Challenges: “Everything is more complicated now”
Worsening geo-political instability and the long tail of the pandemic are among the factors ensuring that the supply chain crisis continues to be a ‘hot button’ issue for broadcast vendors and service providers, writes David Davies.
Industry Trends
WBD’s Dave Duvall: Cloud migration, remote production and ‘creating the unexpected’
As CIO of Warner Bros. Discovery, Dave Duvall is steering the media giant through a dazzling array of technology shifts without recent precedent, writes David Davies.