All IP articles – Page 6
Executive Interviews
Charlie Vogt: Creating an ecosystem built on value
Being directionally correct with predictions, overcoming culture shock, dealing with new realities
Executive Interviews
The evolution of broadcast and the true meaning of IP
The transition to IP, the value of metadata and the ageing media industry are just some of the issues facing the broadcast sector today.
Executive Interviews
Cisco CTO Dave Ward: Building a bigger and better internet
As well being SVP, Chief Architect and CTO of Engineering at Cisco Systems, Dave Ward also has ownership connections with both a vineyard and a tomato farm.
Industry Trends
Standards need interoperability
Constant complaints about the slowness of standards being developed hurting the industry seems to be the norm. This doesn’t mean standards don’t happen, nevertheless it is important to understand the standards process, benefits and risks.
Executive Interviews
David Atkins: Engineering the IP future
Supporting the next generation of broadcast and media professionals is essential for industry growth and development; manufacturers can do more to welcome newcomers by designing systems that resemble what engineers are used to.
Technical Papers
Integrating non real-time software processes into real-time IP-based production
The move to all-IP production has generated a lot of interest from broadcasters as a means of both saving costs and enabling innovation in production methods.
Technical Papers
Strategies for deployment of accurate time information using PTP within the all-IP studio
With the advent of distributed systems where every node has a sufficient amount of local resources to perform given tasks partly independently from all other units, reliable and timely data communication became a mandatory requirement together with the need for a common notion of time or at least a method ...